We develop and implement comprehensive programs based on cooperation between the private, public and non-governmental sectors in Poland and abroad. So far, we have implemented a number of projects in partnership with several dozen organizations from six continents.
Our activities are in line with the assumptions of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs.

Selected initiatives are presented below
Krokiet and Lama Academy
The program of education on the move of the Krokiet and Lama Academy includes materials for preschoolers and primary school students grades 1-3. The materials have been made by combining three elements important for child’s development: education, physical activity and entertainment. Thus, physical activity can accompany the youngest not only during PE or gymnastics lessons, but also in didactic classes. The Academy platform consists of films, movement worksheets, training sessions for teachers and a lot of inspiration for learning and playing on the move. All the content is created in line with the core curriculum of early school and pre-school education. We are a strategic partner of the venture.
Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Children Through Sport
The goal of Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Children Through Sport (IURTS) is to support the integration of Ukrainian refugee children through sport. As part of the initiative, a number of educational materials will be developed and later piloted in Polish and Romanian institutions. One of the components of the project is also the involvement of an international network of research associations, so that Ukrainian children all over Europe can benefit from the attained results. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ Sport programme. The project partners include: the International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA (Denmark), Asociatia Judeteana Sportul pentru Toti Suceava (Romania), the Laureau Sport for Good Foundation (Great Britain), Universita degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (Italy), Fundatia Terre des hommes-Elvetia (Romania), the Sports Committee of Ukraine (Ukraine) and the Charitable Fund League of Tolerance (Ukraine).

Inclusive Physical Education
The first edition of “Inclusive Physical Education” in 2024 attracted almost 46,000 participants. The event, led by paralympian Katarzyna Kozikowska, aimed to integrate children with disabilities through joint fun. The slogan “Inclusive Physical Education – Christmas Mission” encouraged activity in a festive atmosphere. Thanks to the online formula, children from all over Poland were able to take part, regardless of location or ability. The project, implemented as part of the ‘Creating Future Together’ programme, is co-financed by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and we are implementing it together with the Association of Activity Supporters We Are for You.
Active Sister Schools
Active Sister Schools is an innovative project that leverages physical activity as a catalyst for meaningful change. The initiative is dedicated to supporting Ukrainian children and fostering their integration with peers from different countries. Our goal is to establish international online teams, connecting students from Denmark, Poland, and Ukraine to build personal connections and gain insights into each other’s lives, cultures, and environments through movement and play. Project partners are: Danish School Sport (Denmark), International Sport and Culture Association – ISCA (Denmark) and Ukraine Active (Ukraine). The initiative is funded by The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council.

We Play Together
We Play Together (WPT) focuses on the integration of refugee children and youth through sport. The aim of the initiative is to exchange experiences between Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland and to jointly develop new solutions and tools that will enable the adaptation of children and youth, especially from Ukraine, to new countries. The project is financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+Youth Program. The partners of the project are Mittetulundusühing SPIN, the International Sport and Culture Association and the Kazickas Family Foundation and Latvijas Sporta federaciju padome.

Moving Schools Challenger
The Moving Schools Challenger (MSC) is a pan-European project that focuses on promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among students. Schools will take part in monthly sporting challenges to help them get more involved in an active lifestyle. The institutions will not compete with other entities, but will face challenges together.
We are implementing the initiative in partnership with organizations representing six countries: BG Be Active (Bulgaria),the International Sport and Culture Association (Denmark), Deporte para la Educación y la Salud (Spain), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Hiszpania), Youth Sport Trust (United Kingdom ) and L’ORMAinternational (Italy) and a European organization – the European Physical Education Association. The project is financed by the Erasmus+ Sport programme.
Active Sister Schools Alliance
Active Sister Schools is an innovative international project aimed at integrating classrooms from Denmark, Spain, Poland, and Ukraine. Through movement and play, students get to learn about the lives, cultures, languages, and environments of their peers from other countries. The initiative involves 15 international teams, each made up of four classes—one from each country—that participate together in active online challenges throughout the project. Funded by the European Union, the project is a collaborative effort between the following partner organizations: V4Sport Foundation (V4Sport), Poland; Danish School Sports (DSS), Denmark; Deporte para la Educación y la Salud (DES), Spain; UkraineActive (UAactive), Ukraine; and the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), an international organization based in Denmark. In Poland, Active Sister Schools is under the Honorary Patronage of UNICEF Poland.

Global Integration of Refugees Through Sport (IRTS)
Together Through Sport
The project is co-financed by Erasmus+ with the support of Fondation Air France.
Creating Future Together - Razem Tworzymy Przyszłość
The goal of the project is to invite children to participate in unique initiatives in which we will use physical activity as a tool for social integration for children with disabilities. Through a joint physical adventure, children with varying degrees of disability will have the opportunity to experience mutual support, acceptance and connection in a great community.
The project is co-financed by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities and we are implementing it together with the Association of Activity Supporters We Are for You.
Mobility of sport staff
A project aimed at exchanging experiences and knowledge with European experts on using physical activity for social integration. As part of the initiative, two study visits had been planned at the headquarters of the hosting organizations: PLAY International in Paris and the International Sport and Culture Association in Copenhagen.
The project was funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme.

Move For Fun is a recipe for more exercise and joy at schools and in kindergartens. It is not only a philosophy based on creating physical activity opportunities for children. It is also a ready-made work tool for teachers – easy-to-use ideas for movement games in the form of Move For Fun Movement Cards. The project at the international level is carried out in partnership with the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), the Danish Sports Association DGI and Novo Nordisk. We are coordinating this initiative in Poland.
European School Sport Day
We have been co-creating the European School Sport Day (ESSD) since its very beginning, i.e. 2015. At that time we were one of 3 countries doing so, today there are over 40. The event takes place on the last Friday of September each year, and its aim is to celebrate activity and fun on the move throughout the school, and sometimes even outside – in the city. The project is financed by the Erasmus + Sport program. The Hungarian School Sport Federation is the leader of the ESSD, and its partners include the European Physical Education Association, the International Sport and Culture Association, Youth Sport Trust, #BeActive European Week of Sport and BG Be Active.
MOVE Week is an annual global event that highlights the benefits of an active lifestyle and the importance of regular sports and physical activity. Throughout the week, sports events take place across Europe, with the primary goal of promoting various forms of movement and a healthy lifestyle. Since its first edition, MOVE Week has gathered over 4 million participants and has become one of the largest global events promoting regular sports and physical activity. MOVE Week is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign, coordinated by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), with the main objective of increasing the number of active people worldwide. The event has been held annually since 2012, always during the last week of May.
The Veolia Academy – Good health and Integration
This is an educational program that we implement together with the Veolia Polska Foundation, with the support of the Education Office and the Sports and Recreation Office of the Capital City of Warsaw, in partnership with Veolia Energia Warszawa S.A. The Veolia Academy is aimed at the linguistic and cultural integration of refugees’ children attending Warsaw primary schools (grades 1-3) and kindergartens, and support teachers by providing modern and comprehensive educational materials.

PARK(ing) Day for Fitness
No Elevators Day
No Elevators Day is one of the international initiatives we have been part of since the first edition of the project (2015). Celebrated throughout Europe (and not only), No Elevators Day is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign, organized by ISCA (the International Sport And Culture Association). The event’s objective is to highlight how easy it is to be active on a daily basis. Sometimes it is enough to simply choose the elevator instead of stairs.
Global Matrix
Veolia Junior Sports Academy
We implemented a project entitled the Veolia Junior Sports Academy (SAV Junior) in 2020-2021 together with the Veolia Polska Foundation and several companies from the Veolia Group in Poland and Local Government Units. Its goal was to care for the healthy future of children by showing them various sports and encouraging them to do regular physical activity. We accompanied preschoolers from all over Poland for many weeks of the lockdown, conducting free on-line classes as part of the SAV Junior Movement Kindergarten. Later on, we organized two editions of the Online Preschoolers’ Olympics – Veoliada 2020 and 2021, in which approximately 7.5 thousand children from almost 200 kindergartens in 15 cities took part.

European Mile
Healthy and active residents - what do they have to do with urban resilience? – a conference
On June 8-9, 2021, together with the Veolia Polska Foundation and in partnership with the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, we organized an on-line conference on the role of local governments in increasing residents’ physical activity, with particular emphasis on the needs of children and adolescents. The speakers included: Sanna Vesikansa – Vice Mayor of Helsinki, Chris Bruntlett from Dutch Cycling Embassy, and Philippe de Witte – Secretary General of Active Local Europe. During the event, we connected with #EUSportForum 2021 taking place in Brussels, attended i.a. by Mariya Gabriel, an EC Commissioner, and Fiona Bull from the WHO Department of Health Promotion.

Active, healthy local government - how to create modern strategies of sport and physical activity? - an educational cycle
Research of the Veolia Junior Sports Academy

On-line PE – World Record
On April 22, 2020, we set an unofficial world record in the largest online PE lesson, conducted by Julita Ilczyszyn – a PE teacher from the Józef Korczak Primary School in Józefosław. Regardless of the time of the day, the lesson was attended by representatives of 45 countries – from the west coast of Canada to Australia. At the peak moment the event was attended by nearly 50,000 people (the number does not include participants who were not registered on Facebook and those who took part in the lesson in a larger group).
Research in Lower Silesia
Together with the Lower Silesia School Sports Association and the Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia province we conducted research on the physical activity of students during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The study group consisted of children from Lower Silesian primary schools (grades 1-8) and their parents or guardians.

Diagnoza sportu i aktywności fizycznej we Wrocławiu
In 2019, the city of Wrocław began works on the directions of development of sports and recreation in order to create conditions conducive to the training of champions as well as the daily activity of residents. This process was preceded by an extensive diagnosis for which we were responsible. We divided the research methodology into desk research (secondary data analysis), workshops (working groups), focus interviews (focus group interviews), in-depth interviews and a survey.
The Veolia Sports Academy
Active MultiSport Schools
Open Streets Day
On Sunday, September 22, 2019, on the occasion of the Car-Free Day, we organized an Open Streets Day in Wrocław. It was the first edition of the project, the idea of which was to make streets and urban space available to all city residents, not only motorists. On that day, Wrocław represented Poland among 20 European countries promoting the initiative. The Open Streets Day is financed by the Erasmus + program.
AtmoSfera MultiSport

Movement Spaces
This was a program initiated by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). Its aim was to promote, share and create new physical activity facilities in highly urbanized spaces. We collaborated with cities such as Barcelona, Birmingham, Plovdiv and Paris in order to develop the most effective practices to encourage citizens to participate in physical activities. MOVEment Spaces is also a platform for the exchange of knowledge, good practices and mutual inspiration, so in 2018, together with ISCA and other partners, we developed an online course in which expert advice on how to get started or extend the reach of your initiatives is available. The project was financed by the Erasmus+ Sport program.
European US Girls

Active Voice
The goal of Active Voice was to develop appropriate tools and activities that would help organizations implement an effective policy for the development of physical activity in their local environment. During the project, by 2018, together with #ActiveVoice partners, we had reached over 1,500 stakeholders. The project was financed by the Erasmus + Sport Program. Its partner organizations at the European level included the International Sport and Culture Association, the European Cyclists’ Federation, the Epode International Network, the European Physical Education Teacher’s Association, the International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management, and at the local level BG Be Active from Bulgaria, Union Francaise Des Oeuvres Laiques D’Education Physique from France, Social Cooperative Enterprise Greenways from Greece and Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti from Greece.
Youth Leaders Across Borders

Youth on the Move
In 2015-2017, we implemented the Youth on the Move (YotM) project, which was part of the NowWeMove and MoveBrasil campaigns. Its main part was a 10-month course consisting of both webinars and traditional meetings. The project participants had the opportunity to acquire knowledge about promoting physical activity, organizing events and broadly understood project management. Its partner organizations included the International Sport and Culture Association from Denmark, the UBAE Foundation from Barcelona, and SESC – Servicio Social de Comercio from Brazil.
PZU Healthy Trails
We have coordinated the construction of over 60 standardized healthy trails around the country. We have also designed and implemented actions aimed at increasing the capacity of local actors to develop and implement physical activity programs for all of the social groups. The success of the project was based on the crosssectoral approach, in which we have cooperated with local governments, numerous local civic organisations, local media and the project sponsors (corporate and corporate foundation).

Muuvit - move and discover the world
A project designed for teachers who want to diversify performance in their classes. Adding a healthy lifestyle and physical activity to the areas of interest turned out to be a bull’s eye. Muuvit was developed in Finland 13 years ago and so far nearly 2 million children have participated in the program. In Poland, we implemented it in 2012-2013. The task of Muuvit was to encourage the youngest to be physically active, at the same time making it easier for teachers to conduct classes and enrich them with new elements.
Respect Your Health
The UEFA EURO 2012 tournament in Poland and Ukraine was accompanied by four social RESPECT projects. One of them – RESPECT Your Health – Euroschools 2012 – was carried out in Poland in cooperation with a network of organizations dealing with sport and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The project related to activities promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents.