An annex to the Resolution of the Foundation Board of January 3, 2025 on amending the V4SPORT Foundation’s Statute
§ 1 General provisions
1. The Foundation was established on the basis of its founders’ declaration, submitted on December 21, 2009 as a notarial deed, Repertory A No 25496/2009, in front of the assistant notary public Tomasz Kalinowski from the Notary’s Public Office Agata Romanowicz, Kamila Komarzańska civil partnership in Wrocław at pl. Solny nr 18/19.
2. The Foundation shall operate under the name of “FUNDACJA V4SPORT”.
3. The registered seat of the Foundation is Wroclaw. Its address shall be determined by a resolution of the Foundation’s Management Board.
4. The Foundation shall operate in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad.
5. The Foundation may establish branch offices in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad. It is not allowed to establish more than one branch office of the Foundation in one town.
6. The time for which the Foundation was established shall be indefinite.
7. The Foundation shall have the right to use badges and a stamp containing the name of the Foundation.
8. The Foundation shall conduct activity for the benefit of the general public.
9. The competent Minister with respect to the purpose and extent of operation of the Foundation is the Polish Minister of Sport and Tourism.
§ 2 The objectives and tasks of the Foundation
1. The Foundation was established in order to:
1) support the comprehensive development of society, esp. activities of social, informational, educational and training nature, as well as physical culture and sports;
2) develop knowledge and skills;
3) create mechanisms and institutions conducive to pursuing effective social policy;
4) integrate and activate local communities;
5) promote the idea of an active life style, emphasize the value and benefits of sport done at the amateur level;
6) promote and develop sports volunteering;
7) facilitate contacts between social/sport organizations and sports activists;
8) take actions to increase the physical activity of representatives of all social groups, including the least physically active ones, i.e. the elderly, people with disabilities, etc.
9) support sports volunteers and implement activities for the creation and development of structures and organizations involved in non-commercial sport.;
10) strive for greater involvement of individuals and social groups in sports activities and development of physical culture;
11) develop tools to help organizations to search after sports volunteers and people interested in sport;
12) develop tools to help volunteers and people interested in sports to search for or establish organizations operating in the sports arena;
13) build a lasting partnership for cooperation between the public, private and civil society sectors;
14) pursue intercultural integration;
15) support and develop entrepreneurship;
16) support the idea of local and regional self-governments;
17) promote fair-play rules;
18) support teachers, in particular preschool and early school education teachers, i.e. providing them with tools for physical activation and integration of children;
19) provide multi-range support for refugees, incl. the ones from Ukraine;
20) implementation of activities for children, youth, and people with disabilities;
21) cooperate with domestic and foreign entities in order to achieve the aforementioned goals.
2. The Foundation shall implement its objectives by means of:
1) organizing trainings and courses;
2) establishing scholarships;
3) creating and managing web portals;
4) participation in business ventures, i.e. commercial companies, cooperatives and other economic entities;
5) organizing occasional or regular meetings for beginners and experienced athletes, incl. the disabled;
6) allocating funds for investment projects as part of the organized training courses or competitions;
7) conducting animation, i.e. social, cultural and educational activities;
8) implementation of projects in the following areas:
a) external communication;
b) internal communication;
c) crisis communication;
d) creation and distribution of the media content;
e) monitoring the media;
f) the mediarelations management;
g) the preparation of a profiled database of journalists and stakeholders;
h) handling the social media channels;
i) communication and image audit;
j) video production and photo service;
9) organization of actions, outdoor events or unconventional special actions;
10) consulting and social campaigns;
11) organization of conferences, press briefings and non-standard events;
12) developing the following strategies of:
a) cooperation in the implementation of projects and social campaigns;
b) sponsorship and marketing;
c) sports event management;
d) market research;
e) health, development of sport and physical activity for local governments and central authorities;
13) conducting research on the level of citizens’ physical activity;
14) employment of refugees, within the Foundation as well;
15) integration of refugees through sport and physical activity, especially children with various levels of fitness and different educational needs, as well as people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds;
16) purchase and transport of humanitarian aid to Ukraine;
17) organizing and providing material, financial and logistic assistance to refugees in Poland and abroad;
18) organizing leisure activities for children, youth, and people with disabilities.
3. The Foundation shall implement its statutory goals by conducting paid and unpaid public benefit activities. The detailed scope of the activities that are carried out for remuneration or free of charge shall be determined by the Management Board in a separate resolution.
4. The detailed rules and conditions for the implementation of the above-mentioned goals are set out in the Foundation’s internal regulations adopted by the Management Board.
§ 3 The Foundation’s assets
1. The Foundation shall exploit the assets provided by its founders and acquired later in order to achieve its goals.
2. The assets of the Foundation comprise the initial assets contributed to the Foundation by its founders, specified in the declaration of the establishment of the Foundation (the founding capital) as well as property and property rights acquired by the Foundation in the course of its operation. The funds in the amount of PLN 5,000 (in words: five thousand zlotys) taken from the founding capital are allocated to conducting business activities.
3. The Foundation shall obtain revenues from:
1) donations, inheritances and testamentary bequests;
2) grants, subsidies from state institutions and private individuals;
3) public fundraising;
4) promotional campaigns;
5) paid public benefit activities;
6) profit on bank deposits;
7) financial operations, incl. capital investments;
8) other legal transactions, incl. business activity.
4. The Foundation can take interest in commercial law companies and business entities.
5. The entire operating revenues (including profits from business activities) are allocated by the Foundation to the implementation of its statutory objectives.
§ 4 Terms and conditions of conducting business activities
1. The Foundation may conduct business activities in the country and abroad in order to obtain funds for the implementation of statutory tasks.
2. The objects of the Foundation business activities shall include:
1) extracurricular forms of sports education as well as sports and recreational activities (Polish Classification of Activities, hereinafter PCA,51.Z),
2) other extracurricular forms of education not elsewhere classified (PCA 85.59.B),
3) activities of sport facilities (PCA 93.11.Z),
4) activities of sport clubs (PCA 93.12.Z),
5) activities of facilities that improve physical condition (PCA 93.13.Z),
6) other activities related to sport (PCA 93.19.Z),
7) operation of amusement parks (PCA93.21.Z),
8) other activities related to entertainment and recreation (PCA93.29.Z),
9) publishing books (PCA58.11.Z),
10) issuing lists and directories (e.g. addresses, telephone nos.) (PCA58.12.Z),
11) publishing newspapers (PCA58.13.Z),
12) publishing magazines and other periodicals (PCA58.14.Z),
13) other publishing activities (PCA58.19.Z),
14) activities related to the distribution of movies, video recordings of television programs
15) data processing, website management (hosting) and similar activities (PCA 63.11.Z),
16) provision of other information services not elsewhere classified (PCA63.99.Z),
17) rental and management of own or leased real estate (PCA68.20.Z),
18) rental and lease of recreational and sports equipment (PCA77.21.Z),
19) market research and public opinion polling (PCA73.20.Z),
20) other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified (PKD
21) public relations and communication (PCA70.21.Z),
22) other business management consultancy (PCA70.22.Z),
23) services related to the improvement of physical condition (PCA96.04.Z),
24) activities related to the organization of fairs, exhibitions and congresses (PCA82.30.Z),
25) operation of professional organizations (PCA94.12.Z),
26) business and management consultancy (PCA74.14),
27) database activities (PCA72.40.Z),
28) photographic activities (PCA74.81.Z),
29) printing activities (PCA22.2),
30) other retail sales in non-specialized stores (PCA47.19 Z),
31) retail sales via mail order companies or the internet (PCA47.91 Z),
32) production of computers and other information processing equipment (PCA30.02.Z).
3. The detailed scope of the business activities conducted by the Foundation shall be determined by the Regulations adopted by the Management.
§ 5 The Foundation governing bodies
1. The governing bodies of the Foundation comprise the Board of the Foundation and the Management Board of the Foundation.
2. The Board of the Foundation shall be composed of at least three members.
3. The members of the Foundation Board shall be appointed by the founders.
4. The admission of a new member of the Foundation Board must be supported by all existing members of the Board. Detailed rules for the selection of new members of the Foundation Board shall be specified in the Regulations.
5. The Board shall appoint the President of the Foundation Board from among its members. The President of the Foundation Board shall represent the Board. In the event of a tied vote, the vote of the President shall be decisive.
6. The functions of a member of the Foundation’s Board and a member of its Management Board cannot be combined. Neither the member of the Foundation’s Board nor the member of the Management Board may vote when adopting resolutions that concern them personally.
7. The Foundation Board and the Management Board shall adopt resolutions by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of all members of the body, unless the Statute provides otherwise. The resolutions are valid if all members of the body have been invited to the meeting. The meeting may be convened by any member of the body.
8. The resolutions may also be adopted by ballot voting – outside the meeting, provided that all members of the Board have consented to it.
9. The competences of the Foundation Board shall include:
1) appointing and dismissing members of the Management Board;
2) concluding contracts with members of the Management Board, determining the amount and principles of their remuneration;
3) adopting the Foundation’s operating programs;
4) adopting the Regulations of the Foundation Board and other regulations provided for in the Statute;
5) receiving and approving annual reports on the activities of the Management Board;
6) selection of an auditor;
7) performing permanent supervision over the activities of the Management Board.
10. The competences of the Foundation Board that do not require a resolution may be exercised by any member of the Board.
11. The Foundation Board shall meet at least once a year. If no member of the Board convenes its meeting at least once a year, the obligation shall be borne by the President thereof.
12. The Management Board may not consist of more than four members. The appointment and dismissal of each member of the Management Board shall require a resolution of the Foundation Board adopted by secret ballot, with an absolute majority of votes.
13. The Management Board shall represent and manage the affairs of the Foundation outside. The Management Board should follow the program of activities adopted by the Foundation Board.
14. The Management Board shall be responsible for all matters not reserved for the competence of the Foundation Board.
15. Each member of the Management Board shall be authorized to make statements on behalf of the Foundation independently.
16. Exercising of property right or incurring liabilities of a value exceeding PLN 30,000.00 (in words: thirty thousand zlotys) shall require a resolution of the Foundation Board.
17. The Management Board may grant the power of the proxy (procuration) within the scope of the conducted business activities.
§ 6 Final provisions
1. All amendments to the Statute shall require a unanimous resolution of the Foundation Board. The amendments to the Statute may also refer to changes in the objectives of the Foundation.
2. The Foundation shall be dissolved after its liquidation.
3. The liquidation may be ordered only at the request of the Management Board and shall require a unanimous resolution by the Foundation Board. Once the liquidation has been ordered, the members of the Management Board shall become liquidators. Their duty is to liquidate the Foundation’s assets in the shortest possible time. In the remaining scope, they shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of the members of the Management Board.
4. Once the liquidation has been ordered, the procuration shall expire. The activities of the Foundation Board during the liquidation period shall be suspended. The funds and property remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation, once all creditors have been paid, shall be returned to the founders or their heirs – in equal parts. The founders may decide to allocate funds and property remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation to foundations with similar goals operating in the Republic of Poland. The completion of the liquidation shall be reported by the liquidators to the Foundation’s register.
The statute (a uniform text) was adopted on January 3, 2017.
The Foundation Board:
Piotr Sitkowski
Paweł Sitkowski
Marcin Ochyra