We have been combating the sedentary lifestyle ever since 2009

We promote physical activity – the one which affects directly the proper development of children and teenagers, as well as a better quality of life of the entire society.


Our mission focuses on the mobilization of our society

We would like the number of active people in Poland and worldwide to grow day by day. And equally important – that the people can enjoy physical activity.

Projects currently implemented

Projects currently implemented

We Play Together
V4SPORT - We Play Together logo
We Play Together
We Play Together (WPT) revolves around the integration of refugee children and youth through sport and physical activity. The aim of the initiative is to exchange experiences between Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland and to jointly develop new solutions.
v4sport european school sport day
European School Sport Day
We have been co-creating the European School Sport Day since the very beginning, i.e. 2015. The event takes place on the last Friday of September each year, and its aim is to celebrate activity and fun on the move throughout the school, and sometimes even outside, around the city.
Moving Schools Challenger
V4Sport -  MovingSchoolsChallenger logo
Moving Scholls Challenger
A pan-European project that focuses on promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among students. Schools involved in the initiative will take part in monthly sports challenges.
Active Sister Schools Alliance
Active Sister Schools Alliance
Active Sister Schools is an innovative and international project that aims to create unity and integration across school classes in Denmark, Poland, Spain and Ukraine. Through movement and fun activities in the classroom, students learn about each other’s lives, culture and surroundings.
Global Integration of Refugees Through Sport (IRTS)
V4Sport -  MovingSchoolsChallenger logo
Global Integration of Refugees Through Sport (IRTS)
The initiative aims to bring together a global community focused on refugee integration through sports. It is a partnership on an unprecedented scale, involving UN institutions, sponsors, humanitarian and sports organizations.
Together Through Sport
Together Through Sport
The project aims to facilitate the integration of refugee students through sports in Poland and Romania. 1,400 students will benefit from sports activities, and 100 teachers and 20 coaches will be trained.
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